Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let’s Change the World Together!

Recently, I realized that I should change my business card to Lamarque Polvado, Human Being / World Changer. While I like to joke about this, there is a certain bold truth in this statement. Those of you who know me personally can verify just how driven I am. I have committed my self, my family, and my resources to creating the Connections Project, which has seemed at times both crazy and impossible. Yet, I believe that it will change the world for individuals with special needs, and because of that I feel compelled to continue.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
- Gandhi

This quote accurately represents what I have attempted to do for the last three years of my life in the special needs community. I have been on a mission to empower caregivers with free information and facilitate providers to work together. While on this journey, I have seen breakthroughs and ran into 100 story walls at 60 miles an hour, but I haven’t quit, given up, or taken no for an answer. This determination has earned me the title of “The Crazy Dad” here in Dallas. I love to hear that because what they really mean is that I believe that I can change the world. The secret is that I don’t just believe that I can change the world, but that I can build a partnership of amazing people and Together We Can Change the World! This reminds me of another one of my favorite quotes.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has..”
- Margaret Mead

The Opportunity & Invitation:

The Opportunity:

In October, after a frustrating year of looking for capital for the Connections Project, I decided to throw a Hail Mary. I reached out to a long time friend and business partner, Gene Howe, who knew about the Connections Project and asked him for help.

He introduced me to Jeff, an Executive with one of the largest media companies in the United States. After one conversation with Jeff, his company agreed to partner with the Connections Project through the purchase of media. We can now approach any major company who advertises using TV, radio, or print media, and they can sponsor the Connections Project by simply placing their purchase through Jeff’s company. Connections has also created a national partnership package that will provide Internet, print, and event advertising spots, as well as a multitude of public relation opportunities for the companies who partner with us to make a difference.

I also asked Jeff for introductions to anyone else that would be excited to partner with the Connections Project. He thought for a minute….you need to meet my friend Keith who is a CEO of a credit card processing company. Five minutes later, I am talking to Keith about changing the world and how we can partner together to benefit the Connections Project. To my surprise Keith called me the next day and told me that if I would go through training so I could close deals on my own, he would be willing to fund the Connections Project with 50% of the profit on every deal that we brought to him! Any company that processes credit cards can support the Connections Project without us asking for one dollar. Keith agreed to use the same approach as Jeff and match a prospects rate so that this partnership will not cost the company any more than they are spending with their current processor. Partnership really does work!

Invitation for Fellow World Changers:

As you might have guessed, I want to extend an invitation to each of my friends, partners, and acquaintances to participate in our mission at the Connections Project to empower caregivers and connect providers within the Special Care Industry. It is a very small world and we would like to extend our reach and partner network by collaborating with you. How? Easy, we want you to introduce us to people in your network that we need to know; a family who has a child with special needs, anyone who is an Executive of a company, small business owners, celebrities, and community leaders and politicians. How can this help? Opportunities are almost always created through existing relationships, something you have and we need more of. Yes, it is that simple! We don’t need a donation we need your partnership. Below is all of my contact info for you to save in your cell phone and share often!

Celebrating Partnership,

Lamarque Polvado
Executive Director
Connections Project



Twitter: @lpolvado or @connectionskids
LinkedIn: Lamarque Polvado
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/emVllY
Connections Digital Issue: http://www.issuu.com/connectionsproject

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