Friday, May 15, 2009

Plea For New Coverage on the Corruption of the Texas Medical Board

My name is Lamarque Polvado I live in Keller TX and I have never sent a letter to a legislator in my life until I found out about the corruption of the Texas Medical Board. Since then I have started a blog, twitter account, testified twice (once in the house subcommittee and once in the senate), met with the Governors’ office, called into talk radio shows, and most recently requested the help of YOU! The Texas Medical Board is the most corrupt medical board in the nation, they operate in secrecy, there is no due process, and they have used this un-American vehicle to persecute those they do not approve of. The only reason that I know about this is because I have two children on the Autism spectrum and the doctors that have been treating my kids are now under attack with baseless complaints now filed against them. Fact 6 out of the 8 Defeat Autism Now Doctors have complaints that are unfounded and not filed by patients! Texas is Better Than This! Help me Reform the Texas Medical Board!

Lamarque Polvado

For More Info:

My Blog:

Info Site:

I will put your staff in contact with all of the right people; expert witnesses, families who records and names have been used to file fraudulent complaints, pending complaints showing how they target with a baseless complaint and then subpoena and troll till they find something to act on. I am just a Dad, but you have the power to shed some much needed light on this issue! I need your help!

Lamarque Polvado

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