Saturday, April 25, 2009

Testimony in Austin on HB3816

See My Latest Post and the statesman Article @

My post:
I would like to thank Mary Ann Roser for covering this story and for shedding some light on what has been hidden in the depths of the dark far too long. The medical board is corrupt and must be brought into accountability. I find it fascinating that after 5.5 hrs of testimony the TMB is concerned mostly that they would be subject to review and God forbid a potential lawsuit against one of them or their precious experts if citizens and doctors could actually know who is accusing who of what, and decide to fight back against a false or fraudulent claim. There is an agenda to extinguish Doctors who practice integrative medicine or alternative medicine. Unfortunately most people only find out how few of these providers there are when they are diagnosed with a chronic, incurable condition for which there is no tiny white pill; conditions like autism, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or lyme disease. I have two children on the Autism spectrum and can tell you firsthand how unhelpful the “Standard” medical care system was for them, then we found a group of doctors that had formed a group called Defeat Autism Now and had developed programs to treat the symptoms of ASD with very positive outcomes, not a cure, a treatment protocol. I have recently contacted five of these physicians only to find out that all five have some type of quack TMB claim filed against them; my personal favorite was a complaint which stated fradulent advertising for claiming to treat the symptoms of Autism. I guess that the TMB figures if it is incurable then it is untreatable….yeah that makes great sense. I feel safer already.

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