Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BINGO! HB 3816 Passes Committee

Greetings Compatriots!

Good news.

3816 Passed Committee - Now on to Calendar Committee!

Below are the details from Dr. Hotze.

Dear Colleagues,

CSHB 3816 was just passed out of the House Public Health Committee by a vote of 10-1. Reps. Zerwas and Veronica Gonzales did a super job in committee advocating on a key point of the bill that others were trying to remove.
The final language of CSHB 3816 will be posted on as soon as we have it back from Legislative Counsel which will probably be on Thursday, May 1, 2009. We got about 80% of what we originally asked for in HB 3816 and that is terrific. Reps. Zerwas and Kolkhorst helped work this bill through the committee process and we owe them a debt of gratitude.
The next hurdle will be to pass it out of the House Calendars Committee. Allen Blakemore, our lobbyist, and I will be getting on this tomorrow.
Confident of our eventual success and with much appreciation for your support,
I remain, as always,

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Hotze

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