Friday, May 15, 2009

Plea For New Coverage on the Corruption of the Texas Medical Board

My name is Lamarque Polvado I live in Keller TX and I have never sent a letter to a legislator in my life until I found out about the corruption of the Texas Medical Board. Since then I have started a blog, twitter account, testified twice (once in the house subcommittee and once in the senate), met with the Governors’ office, called into talk radio shows, and most recently requested the help of YOU! The Texas Medical Board is the most corrupt medical board in the nation, they operate in secrecy, there is no due process, and they have used this un-American vehicle to persecute those they do not approve of. The only reason that I know about this is because I have two children on the Autism spectrum and the doctors that have been treating my kids are now under attack with baseless complaints now filed against them. Fact 6 out of the 8 Defeat Autism Now Doctors have complaints that are unfounded and not filed by patients! Texas is Better Than This! Help me Reform the Texas Medical Board!

Lamarque Polvado

For More Info:

My Blog:

Info Site:

I will put your staff in contact with all of the right people; expert witnesses, families who records and names have been used to file fraudulent complaints, pending complaints showing how they target with a baseless complaint and then subpoena and troll till they find something to act on. I am just a Dad, but you have the power to shed some much needed light on this issue! I need your help!

Lamarque Polvado

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Texas Dad Takes on Texas Medical Board vs. Autism

Support CSSB 2336 and CSHB 3816!

Protect our Doctors and Our Freedom of Choice In Health Care Providers

Patients with Autism in Texas are at Risk of LIMITED ACCESS!

My name is Lamarque Polvado I live in Keller TX and I have never sent a letter to a legislator in my life until I found out about the corruption of the Texas Medical Board. Since then I have started a blog, twitter account, testified twice (once in the house subcommittee and once in the senate), met with the Governors’ office, called into talk radio shows, and most recently requested the help of Bill O'reilly! This all because 6 out of the 8 Defeat Autism Now Doctors have complaints that are unfounded and not filed by patients! Texas is Better Than This! Reform the Medical Board!

Texas Medical Board vs. Autism

Misdirection is always the tool of those who wish to deceive the public. Appearances only go so far, but behind the mirage is the truth standing firm but hidden from plain sight. I recently had the pleasure of attending a legislative committee meeting where there would be a discussion of HB 3816 the HEALTH FREEDOM INITIATIVE. I had never before attended a committee hearing or been involved in the legislative process, but I was compelled to go after participating in a radio show where I met general counsel for the Physician and Surgeon Association. I called in to the show to state the concern that I believed that we were in danger of losing the providers who treated my two children with Autism Spectrum Disorder after bogus complaints had been filed anonymously with the Texas Medical Board. When asked to respond to my concerns he made the statement that, “The Texas Medical Board was the most corrupt medical board in the United States of America”. I was shocked to hear this and began to research in the DFW area and found five other physicians all who served the Autism community and found that all five had a complaint filed against them in the last year and most within six months. Now I was mad. Is this the same Medical community that has continually failed my two children? Most doctors seemed to look at my wife and I like we were crazy when we would humbly ask about treatments for Autism. They would look at us with a blank stare and tell us that Autism is an incurable condition? I usually reply, well so is cancer but we treat it! The medical community has failed our kids and now the Texas Medical Board is persecuting the few providers that are willing to treat the symptoms that go with having Autism?

This information alone was enough to get me in my car and heading to Austin to hear for myself what the Legislators and Texas Medical Board had to say. When I got to the committee room I quickly discovered that I was not the only citizen that had been angry and concerned enough to show up testify in support for reforming the Texas Medical Board’s, shroud of secrecy. In fact the room was packed with supporters for the bill. I met many patients and their families most of them had the diagnosis of Autism, but all of them fit into the chronic incurable disease category; lymes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cancer, etc. I also met a fair amount of physicians who had been wrongfully accused and had spent thousands defending themselves against what usually turned out to be a complaint filed by a competitor or insurance company. They told me of many sleepless nights worrying if there license would be taken away. I heard first hand from this group exactly what I had feared, that persecuted Doctors often would leave the state or shut down all together under the weight of these investigative hearings. The Texas Medical Board stated several times under oath that they believed that they were fair and operating as provided by law and that they had fixed all issues pertaining to the outrages. The executive director of the medical board (a lawyer) spouted statics and solutions that had been put in place and mentioned several times how much they had improved on speeding up the process to receive your medical license, the wait is less than six months. Ironically only two days before I had met a Doctor who had been waiting for over a year to be reinstated. The anger, frustration, and disbelief in the committee room just kept growing and growing as we all listened to account, after ridiculous account, of the kangaroo court proceedings that a physician has to go through all the while never know who exactly is accusing them. Two parents testified that their children’s names and medical files had been used to file claims against physicians they loved and had how many gains their children made that other physicians said they would never make.

This legislative session is filled with many great bills that have to do with the diagnosis of Autism and other special care issues, but I now know that it is very possible to affect change on the system, to improve insurance coverage or vouchers, and yet when parents of children with Autism begin to look for medical providers they could very well be gone unless the Texas Medical Board is reformed. My testimony to the committee focused on the fallout and back lash that I believe is imminent if the Texas Medical Board is not reformed.
Lamarque Polvado
Executive Director
"The Special Needs Kids Directory"
Cell: 817-975-4111
Office: 1-866-617-6567
Fax: 1-866-479-7344

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Public Invitation to Governor Rick Perry

Public Invitation to Governor Perry,

Request: Town Hall Meeting with Texan Families & Physicians - House Bill 3816 / Senate Bill 2336

We represent a Large Group of Patients, Moms, Dads, Family Members & Their Physicians who have exhausted attempts to schedule a meeting with you through your Scheduling office (Rebecca Osbourn & Colleen) and Tony Gilman, Executive Officer Texas Health Care Policy Council. All staff members have been responsive yet unable to fulfill our request.

For this reason we publicly appeal to your sense responsibility to respond to your constituents and concerns for the health and welfare of Texans.

Many of us testified at House Bill 3816 hearing 4/14. There were over 75 people representing a “For” vote in this hearing. Representative & Senator staff members told us they have received 300 + emails, letters & calls requesting support of the bills. We will attend the Senate Bill 2336 hearing 5/5.

In addition to our efforts with our Representatives & Senators, we believe it to be critical to talk with you regarding the direct impact the Texas Medical Board Practices have had on our families in limiting access to health care providers. Physicians who are willing to treat Cancer, Autism, Lyme diseases with progressive integrated and natural protocols have been targeted by the TMB.

The current Texas Medical Board continues to endanger patient access to health care options. This is particularly true because mainstream doctors often refuse to treat medical conditions such as those on the Autism Spectrum & those with Lyme disease. (They say they can’t help or are not willing to take the risk with new treatments. Fear of TMB complaints remains an issue in deterring access to provider options.)

We do not want you to be “blind-sided” by the enormous ground swell of citizens whose health and welfare have been adversely impacted by TMB actions.

Research shows that 1 in 89 children are on the Autism Spectrum (Cambridge Research Institute 2008). Mainstream doctors frequently avoid offering proven alternative integrative treatments which are more successful & less expensive. Doctors that do offer other treatments such as the DAN Protocol (Defeat Autism Now) continue to be targeted by the TMB.

TMB Executive Director, Mari Robinson testified under oath that targeting practices did not occur. In fact we know doctors that have been targeted with complaints NOT originated by their patients.

Example: Investigating a physician for a complaint about patient treatment that occurred 29 years ago. Where is Mari Robinson’s “common sense?”

We are prepared to bring together 100+ constituents for a “town hall” meeting to share their stories and concerns; to address the “human impact” the TMB currently has because of their practices and lack of independent oversight; to ask for your support of H.B. 3816 / S.B 2336, the 2009 reform of the Texas Medical Practice Act.

Place: Dallas Metroplex Date: TBD Time: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

As you are aware, current TMB Practices listed below will be remedied by passing H.B. 3816 / S.B. 2336 WITH your signing of the bill. In short, this reform strengthens the Board with respect to serving and protecting public health.

The TMB allows anonymous complaints to be filed against physicians by anyone including competitors, insurance and drug companies, disgruntled employees & angry spouses. These complaints are not sworn to under oath.
The Physician Is Not Allowed To See The Complaint.
The TMB then has so called “expert witnesses”, anonymous to the physician subject to the complaint, present written testimony against the physician.
The TMB is not required by law to allow the subject physician to have an expert witness in his behalf.
The subject physician must attend an Informal Settlement Conference (ISC) run by two members of the TMB. The subject physician is not allowed to take notes, audio or video tape the ISC or have a transcriptionist. (Under oath Mari Robinson said this was not true.)
Yes, this is occurring in the USA despite the fact that the 6th & 7th amendment requires that an accused know who his accuser is, who is testifying against him & trial by jury is a right. This constitutional guarantee is the backbone of American jurisprudence in both criminal and civil law, but not at the TMB.
Doctors, like attorneys deserve a right to a trial by jury before license revocation.
Disciplinary actions are arbitrary and not based on “clear & convincing” evidence.
Patient privacy is currently invaded. (Listen to the Mom’s who testified at the hearing!)
Physicians are disciplined for effective patient care – even when the PATIENT DID NOT FILE A COMPLAINT (another party did) and the patient IS PLEASED WITH TREATMENT RESULTS.
Doctors’ careers and livelihoods have been ended because of minor documentary issues or fee disputes. This has impacted patient access to critical health care from these doctors.
Actions by the Texas Medical Board (TMB), cloaked in secrecy, are a recipe for corruption by dishonorable individuals both on and off the board.

Rep. Fred Brown held a hearing of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Regulation of Health Agencies to investigate the actions of the TMB in October 2007. Based upon that committee’s findings, Rep. Brown has introduced H.B. 3816 to correct the problems which exist in the current TMPA-Texas Medical Practice Act.

o H.B. 3816 would ensure transparency of the actions of the Texas Medical Board (TMB) and establish legal due process for patients and physicians.

This is not just about Physicians’ right but most important the rights of patients, who have entrusted themselves, voluntarily, to the care of a physician.

When a physician is unjustly treated it adversely affects his patients and their care. It limits our access to all forms of health care: mainstream, alternative, and integrated health care choices.
o TMB Testimony at the April 14, 2009 SB3816 hearing was far contrary to what we have first-hand knowledge of and which many physicians have experienced. If everything is honestly running well as Ms. Robinson stated, then WHY WERE SO MANY PEOPLE AT THE HEARING?
CLEARLY Ms. Robinson’s Testimony and Numbers DO NOT REPRESENT THE WHOLE PICTURE & TRUTH experienced by the general public and the Governors constituents.

Governor Perry, it is for the above reasons our group believes it is imperative to meet with you. We look forward to working with you to ensure that these critical issues are heard and addressed directly by you. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Please contact me at


Lamarque Polvado


Autism is the fastest growing epidemic of the past 20 years.
The incidence of autism spectrum disorder diagnosis has increased from
1 in 10,000 individuals in 1988 to 1 in 59 individuals today
(Cambridge Research Centre 2008)

Autism Society of America - Facts and Statistics
1 in 150 births
1 to 1.5 million Americans
Fastest-growing developmental disability
10 - 17 % annual growth
$90 billion annual cost
90% of costs are in adult services

Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention
In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion